Banana (Chuối)
Growing in Arizona: Probably the most “tropical” looking plant there is, truly a conversation piece in the garden. Banana does very well here in AZ, and fruits heavily, if properly maintained. Will mature into full sun, but look and do alot better if getting afternoon summer shade. Dwarfs grow to 6’, other types 10’-15’. Banana…
Read MoreBarbados Cherry
Barbados Cherry (Sơ Ri) (Acerola Cherry)
Read MoreBay Rum Pimenta Racemosa
Pimenta Rasmosa Growing in Phoenix: Bay Rum is related to Allspice. The foliage is aromatic and clove-like. It is used to make bay rum cologne. Essential oil is also distilled from the leaves. When flowering the tiny white flowers resemble cotton candy, followed by tiny black fruit. The fruit is not edible. Use the leaves…
Read MoreBlack Pepper Vine (Tiêu)
Growing in Arizona: A tropical vine, with attractive foliage. Black pepper is a common spice and a staple on table around the world. They can be grown in a pot or raised bed in acid soil such as Canadian Peat. The plants need shade when hot, cold protection below high-30s. Black pepper is the dried…
Read MoreCacao
Theobroma cacao Growing in Phoenix: The tree that gives chocolate is a statement plant! It is a tropical evergreen tree that prefers temperate conditions. Container grow only. Grow in full shade as an understory plant and bring it indoors during the winter. See the planting and care guide page for planting and watering instructions.
Read MoreCanistel
Growing in Arizona: Canistel is a large, open, evergreen tree that has dark green leaves up to twelve inches long clustered at the tips of the branches. The fruit has an orange to yellow thin skin. They are commonly eaten fresh, used in cooking, pies and they are excellent in ice cream! When used in…
Read MoreCannonball (Cây Ngọc Kỳ Lân/Dầu Lân)
Growing in Arizona: Very rare and ultra tropical. Recommend as a container tree in Phoenix and it will need cold protection below 50 degrees. Couroupita guianensis Growing in Phoenix: This unique tree is related to the Brazil nut and is ultra tropical. Large showy flowers grow on long stalks projecting from the trunk scenting the…
Read MoreCashew (Cây Điều)
Growing in Arizona: The fruit is the nut, the “apple” is a swollen stem. Cashew “apple” is eaten fresh, candied, or stewed. Sweet, astringent taste. The nut is caustic until roasted. Fast growers! This tree tolerates poor soil conditions and drought. Summer shade, cold protection below 40. Good for container growing.
Read MoreCeylon Gooseberry
The Ceylon gooseberry has several names as a reflection of its many habitats.
Read MoreCherry of the Rio Grande
Growing in Arizona: This delicious cherry is typically 1-2 inches long and oval in shape. When ripe they are deep purple to black and have a full cherry-like flavor. The trees can be grown in large pots, hedged, or used as a specimen. Though Cherry of the Rio Grande is considered a “tropical cherry” it…
Read MoreCitrus
Growing in Phoenix: Phoenix is a prime citrus-growing country. In the ’70s there were 80 000 acres of citrus in production in Arizona. Citrus are considered evergreens and with the correct care, they will produce for more than 50 years. Some varieties of citrus are more temperature-sensitive than others, our variety selection has more details.…
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