Peanut Butter (Cây Bơ Đậu Phộng)
Growing in Arizona: Summer afternoon shade. Cold protection below mid-30s. Can be container-grown. Tastes like it’s name =) Bunchosia argentea Growing in Phoenix: This novelty fruit is a fantastic “Let me show you this unique tree” plant! It is a smaller tree native to South America. It blossoms in clusters of bright yellow flowers. The…
Read MorePear
Pyrus Growing in Phoenix: It is possible to grow fruit pears in Phoenix! Pear trees are related to apples and blackberries. They are medium-sized trees with a stunning display of spring blooms. Fruit can be picked in late summer to fall and will continue to ripen on the kitchen counter. In Phoenix grow them in…
Read MorePecan
All of our pecan trees are grafted, no seedlings. Full sun. Cold hardy Carya illinoinensis Growing in Phoenix: Pecan will grow best on a flood irrigated lot, however, if watering differently, they require long deep soaks frequently. See our care instructions for more details. It is a slow-growing tree, so purchase as large as possible.…
Read MorePersimmon
Needs no chill hours. Seedless, sweet. Diospyros Growing in Phoenix: Persimmons are beautiful trees with glossy green leaves that droop and branches that give them a flowing, tropical vibe, even though they are not tropical trees. The leaves offer Fall color in the garden, turning to shades of yellow, orange, and red. Tea is made…
Read MorePineapple
Ananus comosus Growing in Phoenix: Pineapple is a lovely novelty plant that is best grown in a container. They are slow-growing and quite ornamental. Grow in a filtered sun location and amend soils to maintain an acidic pH. Protect when below 40℉. See the planting and care guide page for planting and watering instructions.
Read MorePitomba – Brazilian Cherry
Pitomba – Brazilian Cherry – Eugenia Luschnathiana
Read MorePlum
Prunus Domestica Growing in Phoenix: Plum trees are closely related to peach trees and therefore require similar growing conditions. They are medium-sized trees and can still provide a decent amount of shade when mature. In Phoenix, they can handle full sun, but protect once temperatures are above 85 for the first 1-2 summers. Water deeply,…
Read MorePresale Avocado Aravaipa 3g
Racemosa Colvillea
Colvillea racemosa is a species of legume in the Fabaceae family. It is also known by the common name Colville’s Glory. Its genus is named for Sir Charles Colville, an ex Governor of Mauritius. The tree is particularly known for its bright orange flowers that grow in large cone or cylinder shaped clusters. After flowering,…
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